About me
I am a PhD student in Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kanazawa University.
( -> After getting my Ph.D., I transitionned into the filed of data science. Actually, it was a first-order transiton for me. Now, I'm involved in generative AI in my work.)
My hobby is playing drums and reading books. Talking with others also gives me pleasure!
My theme
Current theme
My current subject is baryogenesis through multi-step electroweak phase transition in our universe.
My passion is to create universes (imaginary). Now I try to study our universe from the "bottom-up".
Now, I am interested in and study
Domain walls,
Baryogenesis through phase transitions in dark sector.
Possibility of multi-step electroweak phase transition in the two Higgs doublet models
Mayumi Aoki, Takatoshi Komatsu, Hiroto Shibuya (I'm a responsible author)
e-Print: 2106.03439 [hep-ph]
(Comment: I performed large parameter searches in this article.
For example, the number of parameter points in Type-I with mH+- = mA (or mH) case is over 10 million. As a result, we obtained over six hundred thousand points in that case. It is an enormous parameter search compared with previous searches for the one-step phase transitions.
In this paper, we revealed several features of the multi-step phase transitions, but the most important feature is that they favor discontinuous symmetry. The reason is written in the literature.)
Impact of first-order phase transitions on dark matter production in the scotogenic model
Hiroto Shibuya, Takashi Toma
e-Print: 2207.14662 [hep-ph]
Electroweak baryogenesis between broken phases in multi-step phase transition
Mayumi Aoki, Hiroto Shibuya (I'm a responsible author)
e-Print: 2302.11551 [hep-ph]
Relation between higher-dimensional gauge theories and gravitational waves from first-order phase transitions
Takuya Hirose, Hiroto Shibuya
e-Print: 2303.14192 [hep-ph]
(Comment: The effective potential in the higher-dimensional gauge theory is quite diffrent from that in the EW theory. It is very intersting to investigate the gravitatinal wave spectrum via the first-order phase transition and its verifiability.)
Intermediate Charge-Breaking Phases and Symmetry Non-Restoration in the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model
Mayumi Aoki, Lisa Biermann, Christoph Borschensky, Igor P. Ivanov, Margarete Mühlleitner, Hiroto Shibuya (in alphabetical order)
e-Print: 2308.04141 [hep-ph]
KEK Theory meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEK-PH2022) and International Joint Workshop on the Standard Model and beyond
November 29, 2022, KEK
"Impact of first-order phase transitions on dark matter production in the scotogenic model" (Talk)
Workshop on Multi-Higgs Models
August 31, 2022, Instituto Superior Tecnico
"Possibility of multi-step electroweak phase transition in the two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
The 31st Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group
November 27, 2021, Osaka Univ.
"Two-step Phase Transition" (Invided Talk)
- 素粒子現象論研究会2021
November 6-8, 2021, Osaka City Univ.
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
- Invited Seminar at Hokkaido Univ.
October 29, 2021, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models"
- ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021)
October 26-29, 2021, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
- Summer camp on ILC accelerator, physics and detectors 2021
September 21-24, 2021, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
基研研究会 素粒子物理学の進展2021 (PPP2021)
September 6-10, 2021, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
- Asia-Pacific Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology 2021
August 2-6, 2021, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Talk)
The 30th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group
July 17, 2021, online
"EW phase transition in the 2HDM" (Invited Talk)
KEK 素核宇・物性 連携研究会
March 29-31, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Poster)
The 5th International Workshop on "Higgs as a Probe of New Physics" Special Edition 2021 (HPNP2021)
March 25-27, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Poster)
Frontiers of Computational Physics from meV to MeV
December, 2020, online
"Possibility of a multistep electroweak phase transition in two Higgs doublet models" (Poster)
2020 年度日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会
December, 2020, online
"Two Higgs Doublet Model における電弱スケールでのmulti-step 相転移の可能性とその検証" (Talk)
The 28th Regular Meeting of the New Higgs Working Group
October 31, 2020, online
"Multiple phase transitions at EW scale in the 2HDM" (Invited Talk)
The Physical Society of Japan 2021 Annual (75th) Meeting
September, 2020, online
"2 つのヒッグス2 重項模型における電弱スケールでの複数回相転移の可能性" (Talk)
2019 年度日本物理学会北陸支部定例学術講演会
December, 2019, online
"Two higgs doublet model における電弱バリオン数生成の可能性" (Talk)
I designed a hoodie, a T-shirt, and a polo shirt related to my research.