2025.3.4 | 16:30- |
進藤 哲央 (工学院大学), "SU(5) GUT with a 45 representation scalar and its contribution to flavour physics"
2025.2.28 | 16:30- |
藤村 晴伸 (大阪大学), "Entanglement Rényi entropy and boson-fermion duality in massless Thirring model"
2025.1.24 | 16:30- |
滑川 裕介 (広島大学), "Applying the Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo method to finite-density $\phi^4$ and Hubbard models"
2024.11.12 | 14:45- |
松本 重貴 (Kavli IPMU), "MeV dark matter and MeV gamma-ray observation"
2024.11.8 | 16:30- |
稲田 知大 (CERN), "Searches for TeV Dark Matter at the Galactic Centre with the MAGIC and CTA gamma-ray telescopes"
2024.11.1 | 16:30- |
Thomas Hambye (ブリュッセル自由大学), "Dark matter bound-state formation in the Sun"
2024.10.29 | 16:30- |
Sebastian Hoof (パドヴァ大学), "Axion Models – Their Role in Cosmology and as Potential Astrophysical Probes"
2024.10.15 | 16:30- |
Lukas Treuer (KEK), "Higgs Boson Production at µ^+ µ^+ Colliders"
2024.10.8 | 16:30- |
桑原 拓巳 (北京大学), "Dark Vector Mesons at LHC Forward Detector Searches"
2024.10.1 | 16:30- |
東城 順治 (九州大学), "Muon particle physics to search for a new physics beyond the Standard Model"
2024.7.5 | 16:30- |
出川 智香子 (お茶の水女子大学), "A complex singlet extension of the Standard Model with a singlet fermion dark matter"
2024.3.15 | 16:30- |
坂井 涼 (Jij), "フェルミオンとの結合を含む非可換ゲージ理論のテンソルネットワーク表現"
2024.1.26 | 16:30- |
下村 崇 (宮崎大学), "Search for lepton flavor violating decays at FASER"
2024.1.17 | 15:00- |
早戸 良成 (東京大学宇宙線研究所), "Recent results from Super-Kamiokande and prospect of the next generation experiment Hyper-Kamiokande"
2023.12.15 | 16:30- |
清水 勇介 (新潟大学), "W Boson Mass and Grand Unification via Type-II Seesaw Mechanism"
2023.10.27 | 16:30- |
松本 祥 (京大基研), "Three ways of calculating composite-particle spectra of gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formalism"
2023.10.13 | 16:30- |
桑原 孝明 (静岡大学), "Renormalization group and quantum error correction"
2023.9.29 | 16:30- |
Miguel Vanvlasselaer (Brussels U., IIHE), "First order phase transitions in the early universe and quantizing particles across the wall"
2023.8.25 | 16:30- |
Avelino Vicente (U. de Valencia), "The Scotogenic mechanism: from model to paradigm"
2023.7.28 | 16:30- |
柳生 慶 (大阪大学), "U(1) breaking as origin of neutrino masses, dark matter and leptogenesis at TeV scale"
2023.7.6 | 13:00- |
富谷 昭夫 (大阪国際専門職大学), "Equivariant transformer is all you need"
2023.6.20 | 16:30- |
Shu-Yu Ho (KIAS), "Asymmetric SIMP Dark Matter"
2023.6.2 | 16:30- |
Dibyendu Nanda (KIAS), "Imprints of high-scale non-thermal leptogenesis in cosmic microwave background"
2023.5.18 | 16:30- |
兼村 晋哉 (大阪大学), "Electroweak baryogenesis in the aligned two Higgs doublet model"
2023.3.14 | 16:30- |
Nicholas J. Benoit (広島大学), "Phenomenology of lepton flavor modeling in quantum field theory"
2023.3.13 | 16:30- |
田中 豪太 (静岡大学), "Continuum tensor networks and exact renormalization group for wave functionals"
2023.3.6 | 14:00- |
Priyanka Lamba (ワルシャワ大学), "Axions in chiral gauge theories"
2023.1.23 | 16:30- |
櫻井 一樹 (ワルシャワ大学), "Quantum information and CP measurement in H->tau,tau at future lepton colliders"
2023.1.12 | 16:30- |
濱田 佑 (KEK), "Knot soliton in models with B-L and Peccei-Quinn symmetries"
2022.12.16 | 16:30- |
田中 和樹 (新潟大学), "シーソー機構におけるニュートリノを伴わない二重ベータ崩壊"
2022.11.25 | 16:30- |
高橋 智 (佐賀大学), "Multi-field perspective on the inflationary Universe"
2022.11.21 | 16:30- |
菅野 颯人 (京大基研), "Anomaly and Superconnection"
2022.11.21 | 15:15- |
村上 耕太郎 (京大基研), "Lattice QCD studies on baryon resonances from meson-baryon scatterings"
2022.11.9 | 13:00- |
並河 俊弥 (Kavli IPMU), "Probing inflationary gravitational waves and fundamental physics with high-precision cosmic microwave background B-modes"
2022.10.21 | 16:30- |
難波 亮 (理研iTHEMS), "On the application of Borel-resummed WKB to particle production in cosmology"
2022.10.14 | 16:30- |
新穂 みちる (お茶の水女子大学), "Neutrino lines from MeV dark matter annihilation and decay"
2022.7.8 | 14:45- |
浦川 優子 (KEK), "New scenario of QCD axion clump formation"
2022.1.28 | 16:30- |
濱田 佑 (KEK), "Electroweak-Skyrmion as Asymmetric Dark Matter"
2021.11.19 | 16:30- |
徳田 順正 (神戸大学), "Swampland conditions on scalar potentials from positivity bounds"
2021.10.29 | 16:30- |
端野 克也 (北京大学), "Testability of models with first-order electroweak phase transition "
2021.10.22 | 16:30- |
秋山 真一郎 (筑波大学), "Tensor renormalization group approach to the Hubbard model"
2021.7.16 | 16:30- |
飛岡 幸作 (フロリダ州立大学), "Heavy QCD axion at flavor factories"
2021.6.25 | 16:30- |
山下 了 (東京大学), "世界が協力し自然の基本法則と宇宙創生の謎に迫る国際リニアコライダー計画 International Linear Collider (ILC)"
2021.4.23 | 16:30- |
深谷 英則 (大阪大学), "What is chiral susceptibility probing?"
過去のセミナー |
2025.01.15 | 巾下 | Implications of Higgs mass for hidden sector SUSY breaking (arXiv:2412.15356) |
2025.01.08 | 齋川 | Axion mass prediction from adaptive mesh refinement cosmological lattice simulations (arXiv:2412.08699) |
2024.12.18 | Zamakhsyari | Entanglement and Bell nonlocality with bottom-quark pairs at hadron colliders (arXiv:2406.04402) |
2024.12.11 | Az-zahra | Multi-impurity method for the bond-weighted tensor renormalization group (arXiv:2411.13998) |
2024.12.04 | 澤入 | Leptogenesis assisted by scalar decays (arXiv:2406.13468) |
2024.11.27 | 早崎 | Quantum entanglement between neutrino eigenstates in the presence of the subsequent phase shift of the neutrino oscillations (arXiv:2405.12239) |
2024.07.31 | E. Lave | Large Neutrino Magnetic Moments in the Light of Recent Experiments (arXiv:2007.04291) |
2024.07.24 | 宮岸 | The energy budget of cosmological first-order phase transitions beyond the bag equation of state (arXiv:2206.01148) |
2024.07.10 | 早崎 | Tensor renormalization group study of 3D principal chiral model (arXiv:2312.11649) |
2024.06.26 | 相澤 | Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional complex ϕ^4 theory at finite density (arXiv:2005.04645) |
2024.06.19 | 牛 | Tensor Network Based Finite-Size Scaling for Two-Dimensional Classical Models (arXiv:2302.02585) |
2024.06.12 | 高村 | Gauge coupling unification and proton decay via 45 Higgs boson in SU(5) GUT (arXiv:2402.15124) |
2024.05.08 | 齋川 | Primordial Black Holes from Axion Domain Wall Collapse (arXiv:2402.03426) |
2024.04.24 | 石渡 | Backreaction of axion-SU(2) dynamics during inflation (arXiv:2311.07557) |
2024.02.09 | 若狭 | Electron electric dipole moment and electroweak baryogenesis in a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model with degenerate scalars (arXiv:2309.09430) |
2024.02.09 | 早崎 | An advance in the arithmetic of the Lie groups as an alternative to the forms of the Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff-Dynkin theorem (arXiv:2401.15732) |
2024.02.02 | 相澤 | Gaining insights on anyon condensation and 1-form symmetry breaking across a topological phase transition in a deformed toric code model (arXiv:2305.07063) |
2024.02.02 | 村岡 | Stability of domain walls with inflationary fluctuations under potential bias, and gravitational wave signatures (arXiv:2311.14590) |
2024.01.26 | Az-zahra | Higher-order tensor renormalization group approach to lattice glass model (arXiv:2005.01601) |
2024.01.26 | 齋川 | Primordial black hole dark matter from catastrogenesis with unstable pseudo-Goldstone bosons (arXiv:2303.14107) |
2023.08.04 | 若狭 | Testing Complex Singlet Scalar Cosmology at the Large Hadron Collider (arXiv:2307.01615) |
2023.08.04 | 齋川 | Getting the most on supernova axions (arXiv:2306.01048) |
2023.07.28 | 村岡 | Power spectrum of domain-wall network and its implications for isotropic and anisotropic cosmic birefringence (arXiv:2205.05083) |
2023.07.28 | 相澤 | Fixed-point tensor is a four-point function (arXiv:2307.02523) |
2023.07.21 | 早崎 | Entanglement scaling for λϕ2^4 (arXiv:2104.10564) |
2023.07.21 | 藤間 | Confirmation of the spectral excess in DAMIC at SNOLAB with skipper CCDs (arXiv:2306.01717) |
2023.02.10 | 若狭 | Bubble wall velocity during electroweak phase transition in the inert doublet model
(arXiv:2211.13142) |
2023.02.10 | 齋川 | Probing the Blue Axion with Cosmic Optical Background Anisotropies
(arXiv:2301.06560) |
2023.02.03 | 相澤 | Scaling dimensions from linearized tensor renormalization group transformations
(arXiv:2102.08136) |
2023.02.03 | 藤間 | Proton Capture in Compact Dark Stars and Observable Implications
(arXiv:2211.05845) |
2023.01.20 | Az-zahra | Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group
(arXiv:2208.03227) |
2023.01.20 | 村岡 | Stability of domain wall network with initial inflationary fluctuations, and its implications for cosmic birefringence
(arXiv:2211.06849) |
2023.01.06 | 石渡 | Freeze-in Dark Matter Perturbations are Adiabatic
(arXiv:2211.08719) |
2022.08.05 | 村岡 | Collapsing domain walls beyond Z_2
(arXiv:2204.04374) |
2022.08.05 | 青木 | Multi-component Dark Sectors: Symmetries, Asymmetries and Conversions
(arXiv:2207.02874) |
2022.07.22 | 軍司 | Natural mass hierarchy among three heavy Majorana neutrinos for resonant leptogenesis under modular A4 symmetry
(arXiv:2205.08269) |
2022.07.22 | 澁谷 | New benchmark scenarios of electroweak baryogenesis in aligned two Higgs double models
(arXiv:2205.08269) |
2022.06.24 | 石渡 | Spectrum oscillations from features in the potential of single-field inflation
(arXiv:2106.02467) |
2022.06.03 | 齋川 | Broadband solenoidal haloscope for terahertz axion detection
(arXiv:2111.12103) |
2022.01.07 | 藤間 | Annihilogenesis
(arXiv:2109.13941) |
2021.12.24 | 宮城 | Thermal Relic of Self-Interacting Dark Matter with Retarded Decay of Mediator
(arXiv:2103.06050) |
2021.12.24 | 澁谷 | Baryogenesis from a dark first-order phase transition
(arXiv:1910.08068) |
2021.12.17 | 軍司 | On the number of e-folds in the Jordan and Einstein frames
(arXiv:2111.09677) |
2021.12.03 | 下口 | Axion Quality Problem Alleviated by Non-Minimal Coupling to Gravity
(arXiv:2108.13245) |
2021.11.26 | 木下 | Phase transition encoded in neural network
(arXiv:1812.01522) |
2021.11.19 | 石渡 | Potential reconstruction from general power spectrum in single-field inflation
(arXiv:2109.14241) |
2021.10.22 | 齋川 | Misalignment vs Topology in Axion-Like Models
(arXiv:2108.06203 [hep-ph]) |
2021.08.06 | 橋本 | Imprint of the seesaw mechanism on feebly interacting dark matter and the baryon asymmetry
(arXiv:2104.02030 [hep-ph]) |
2021.08.06 | 澁谷 | Electroweak Phase Transition with an SU(2) Dark Sector (arXiv:2012.09758 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.30 | Zamakhsyari | Towards a Quantum Computing Algorithm for Helicity Amplitudes and Parton Showers (arXiv:2010.00046 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.16 | 楊 | Primordial Black Hole Evaporation and Dark Matter Production: II. Interplay with the Freeze-In/Out Mechanism (arXiv:2107.00016 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.16 | 軍司 | Modulus τ linking leptonic CP violation to baryon asymmetry in A4 modular invariant flavor model (arXiv:2015.14292 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.09 | 齋川 | Gravitational Waves as a Big Bang Thermometer (arXiv:2011.04731 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.09 | 藤間 | Heavy Thermal Relics from Zombie Collisions (arXiv:2003.04900 [hep-ph]) |
2021.07.09 | 村岡 | Traveling wave solutions for wave equations with two exponential nonlinearities (arXiv:1708.00542 [hep-ph]) |
2021.06.18 | 石渡 | Boosting small-scale structure via primordial black holes and implications for sub-GeV dark matter annihilation (arXiv:2012.03698 [hep-ph]) |
2021.02.05 | 青木 | Probing Dark Sector CP Violation with Electric Dipole Moments and Colliders (arXiv:2010.06441 [hep-ph]) |
2021.02.05 | 澁谷 | Collapsing domain walls in the two-Higgs-doublet model and deep insights from the EDM (arXiv:2006.06913 [hep-ph]) |
2021.01.08 | 藤間 | Light particles with baryon and lepton numbers (arXiv:2009.01256 [hep-ph]) |
2021.01.08 | 野澤 | Lepton flavor model with modular A 4 symmetry in large volume limit (arXiv:2009.12120 [hep-ph]) |
過去の昼食会 |